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Project Acronym: The Bridge

Project Full title: Bridging the gap between university and industry: Master Curricular Supporting the Development of Green Jobs and Digital Skills in the
Ukrainian Building Sector

Project No: 101127884

Funding Scheme: ERASMUS‐LS



Coordinator HEI: Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ‐ UA

Project Manager: Prof. Vladyslav DANISHEVSKYY, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ‐ UA

Coordinator of the Academic Team: Dr. Yuliya DEGTYARIOVA, 
Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ‐ UA

Project start ‐ end date: 1st November 2023 ‐ 31st October 2026

Project duration: 36 months

Granting authority: EACEA ‐ European Education and Culture Executive Agency